Check the time and response code of the web server

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  • Free online tool to check the time and response code of the web server of the site without registration and SMS.

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  • Check the response time of any page of the site and the response code of the web server with one click FREE online.

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  • In the free version You can check 1 link to the site, video, your social network profile or web server.

51% of all website traffic comes from organic search, 10% from paid search, 5% from social, and 34% from all other sources. — BrightEdge


Web server response time

The web server response time is the time elapsed between sending a request to the server and receiving the first information from it. It is this characteristic that allows you to find out the performance of the server (hosting) on which the resource is located. The response rate of the site server is one of the most important indicators for SEO resource promotion, since it is directly related to the speed of the site as a whole. The faster the user begins to receive information, the faster the page will load in the browser. Due to the slow loading of resource pages, users can leave the site, and search engines - to lower its position in search results.

Checking the time and response code of the web server

Seo tool «Check the time and response code of the web site server 2025» determines the http headers that the server issues when requesting a url, which will help check which response code the web server issues. This can be useful for determining the presence of a page or the health of the site as a whole, depending on the code that the server gives and also find out the download speed of any page on the site online.

  • This online tool will allow you to check the time and response code of the web server or any page of the site.

How to use the tool:

Just copy and paste the URL of the link to the page of the site, video or profile in the social network in the form above and click "Check." Please note that when checking the time and response code of the web server of the site, you should check the very page of the site for which you want to receive a report.

Table of server response codes

The web server response codes are divided into several classes. They can be easily classified because they are distinguished by the first digit. General table of response codes web server site:

  • 1xx - Informational
  • 2xx - Success
  • 3xx - Redirection
  • 4xx - Client Error
  • 5xx - Server Error

Let us consider in more detail each of the web server response codes.

HTTP response code description

  • 100..199 - group of information requests. For the webmaster, this group is of no interest at all.
  • 200 (OK) - All successfully processed, the page is loaded.
  • 201 (Created) - created a new resource.
  • 202 (Accepted) - the query is processed.
  • 203 (Non-Authoritative Information) - Information not downloaded from primary source.
  • 204 (No Content) - server did not return content. The request is considered successfully processed.
  • 206 (Partial Content) - not all content was transferred to the user.
  • 300 (Multiple choices) - multiple choice and the server was unable to correctly process the request.
  • 301 (Moved Permanently) - automatic redirection because the page address is moved to another address permanently. This answer is used very often, because the addresses of the pages often change. Also, this response code is used if the site address changes.
  • 302 (Moved Temporarily) - address temporarily moved.
  • 303 (See Other) - The requested address must be viewed at another address, which can be viewed via GET.
  • 304 (Not Modified) - the page did not fade. You can use this answer to speed up indexing by search engines.
  • 305 (Use Proxy) - Access to the page is available only through a proxy server.
  • 306 (Temporary Redirect) - address changed for a short time.
  • 400 (Bad Request) - invalid server request.
  • 401 (Unauthorized) - user authorization required.
  • 403 (Forbidden) - access is denied to all.
  • 404 (Not Found) - Document not found. Often encountered error.
  • 405 (Method Not Allowed) - method not supported
  • 406 (Not Acceptable) - document exists but not in that format.
  • 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) - available only through proxy server.
  • 408 (Request Time-out) - connection lost due to long server response
  • 500 (Internal Server Error) - server crash This is often due to incorrect settings .htaccess
  • 501 (Not Implemented) - the server could not perform the action that the client requested.
  • 502 (Bad Gateway) - server received incorrect responses from another server.
  • 503 (Service Unavailable) - some server-side service is temporarily down.
  • 504 (Gateway Time-out) - server as a gateway or proxy server did not wait for an answer.
  • 505 (HTTP Version not supported) - The version of HTTP that is requested is not supported.

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