Free online Tool «SEO Test and Page Speed Test (PSI)℠» without registration and SMS - Best Online Service 2025
Check any site page SEO optimization and on speed response with one click. Tool analyzes the response of a web page.
In the free online version of «SEO Test and Page Speed Test (PSI)» you can check one page of the website.
51% of all website traffic comes from organic search, 10% from paid search, 5% from social, and 34% from all other sources. — BrightEdge
Page Speed Insights (PSI) reports on the performance of a page on both desktop and mobile devices online. PSI can be a good tool to identify general opportunities to make your site faster.
Performance score
Speed became a ranking factor for mobile searches. How are speed measurements calculated? The speed score is based on Field Data from Chrome User Experience report (CrUX). This data includes the real-world performance metrics First Input Delay (FID) and First Contentful Paint (FCP). In simpler terms, PageSpeed Insights measures online the first visual response from your web-page and the time it takes for your site to respond to a users first interaction (for example clicking a link).
What is Page Speed seo Test (PSI)? It's a seo Test for scoring the speed and performance of a site. Diagnostics provide additional information about how a page adheres to best practices for web development. Make your web pages fast on all devices.
How it works:
The SEO test uses the Lighthouse analysis engine. Page Speed seo Test analyzes the content of a web page and speed response then generates suggestions to make that page faster.
The SEO test is very easy to use: Simply enter your web address into our SEO site checkup tool click «ANALYZE» and it will begin analyzing various aspects of your site
Please note that when checking the of the site, you should check the very page of the site for which you want to receive a report.
The web server response codes are divided into several classes. They can be easily classified because they are distinguished by the first digit. General table of response codes web server site:
The function «Check the Answer code of the web server of the site» of the tool is now absolutely FREE!