Вакансия • Finance Specialist, Ташкент
- Carry out work to analyze and monitor the state and results of the enterprise’s economic activities, including its structural divisions.
- Analyze financial information to predict economic conditions for further use in making investment decisions, to calculate future income and expenses.
Analyze the information necessary for the subsequent preparation of the Company’s financial statements and calculation of financial indicators of its activities and structural analysis
Take part in the preparation of financial statements of the enterprise in a timely manner.
Calculate the Company’s financial indicators.
- Higer education in Finance with accounting
- Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating production, economic and financial and economic activities.
- International financial reporting standards, accounting procedures and reporting
- Methods of economic analysis of economic and financial activities of an enterprise
- Methods of generating income and managing expenses of an enterprise, cost planning.
- Work experience
- English language level-C1
- Russion language level -C1
- Uzbek language level-C1
Ability to work with large volumes
Schedule 5/2 from 8.00 to 17.00
Work in a large international company
Official employment according to the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Social packages: transport, lunch, delivery of finished products,
Corporate communications
Opportunity for career growth and development
Salary is discussed during the final interview.
Похожие вакансии:
Работа в России, Ташкент - Свежие вакансии на Kit-Jobs.Ru
Работа в городах России - свежие вакансии (469923) на Kit-Jobs.Ru: Вакансия работодателя • ИП ООО «Coca-Cola Ichimligi Uzbekiston, Ltd» - Finance Specialist, Ташкент. Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться с вакансией работодателя бесплатно онлайн.
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