
Вакансия • Project Manager, Ташкент

📆 2025-03-13
Работа • Ташкент
З/п по договоренности ք
представительство EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF KOREA (Вакансия работодателя)
Адрес места работы:
Тип занятости: Полная занятость
График работы: Полный день

Vacancy Announcement – Project Manager

General Information

The Export-Import Bank of Korea (Korea Eximbank) is a government authorized Export Credit Agency that manages the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), a key component of Korea’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) program. EDCF provides assistance to Uzbekistan for economic development and social welfare.

In this context, Korea Eximbank’s Tashkent Representative Office seeks to recruit a dynamic and proactive person for the described below.

  • Position Title : Project Manager
  • Period of Work : Full time(8hours per day, 5 days in a week)
  • Place of Work : Korea Eximbank Tashkent Representative Office (located in International Business Center)
  • Duration : Until Dec. 2025, including a few months of probationary period, with the possibility of extension subject to the performance and Korea Eximbank HQ’s staff employment policy
  • Salary : will be commensurate with qualifications, and it may increase annually based on individual performance

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Provide key inputs in developing new projects and programs
  • Assist with the appraisal, implementation, monitoring and closure of projects
  • Participate in conferences, workshops and meetings, representing EDCF and Korea Eximbank
  • Research any political/Social/Economic issues occurred in countries concerned
  • Perform any other duties required

Qualifications Required:

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English or Uzbek

* We accept score as IELTS/TOEIC/TOEFL.

* Please specify Language proficiency in Uzbek

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Professional Experience in Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects, and participation in international treaty-making is highly preferred
  • Professional Experience at a Korean company or institution.
  • A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a Korean university, or proficiency in Korean (TOPIK).
  • A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in development studies or related fields (such as medicine, engineering, public policy, business and economics, law, or philology)

Special Notes

Interested candidates should send in their resume including photo and cover letter (attached)


create via email no later than 27th February, 2025. Please use the attached application form below. Applications should be completed in either English or Korean and should be submitted in PDF format with applicant’s signature.

Please note that the acceptance may be revoked if the information provided in the submitted documents is determined to be false or misleading

Only the short-listed candidates will be invited to present themselves for an interview.

Korea Eximbank Tashkent Representative Office

Опыт работы (лет): Нет опыта
Адрес на карте:
Updated: 14 March 2025


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Работа в России, Ташкент - Свежие вакансии на Kit-Jobs.Ru

Работа в городах России - свежие вакансии (469923) на Kit-Jobs.Ru: Вакансия работодателя • представительство EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF KOREA - Project Manager, Ташкент. Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться с вакансией работодателя бесплатно онлайн.

Наш портал является бесплатным онлайн сервисом поиска работы по базе вакансий от прямых работодателей, по размеру заработной платы и прочим параметрам в регионе Ташкент. На портале также имеются такие разделы как: ежедневно обновляемая база свежих вакансий по всем городам России, юридические консультации, сервисы, форма для создания резюме онлайн в формате .DOC, новости рынка труда России и другие разделы.


Работа в России от прямых работодателей свежие вакансии - Kit-Jobs.Ru Work in Russia 

Friday 14 March 2025
