Вакансия • Legal Assistant (Помощник юриста), The Ritz-Carlton, Astana, Астана
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Вакансия в архиве • Legal Assistant (Помощник юриста), The Ritz-Carlton, Astana, Астана
Job requisitions and knowledge
- Must have law degree and relevant work experience for minimum 2-3 years
- English Proficiency - B2-C1
Legal advisor must be in a knowledge of the following:
- Regulations, instructions and other guidance, as well as local regulations of the Company
- Legislative acts, regulating economic and finance activity of the Company
- Methodical and regulatory materials on legal activities
- Civil, administrative, labour, international and procedural law
- Company’s internal compliance procedures
- Rules and regulations of labour protection, safety and fire safety, hygiene and sanitation
- Business communication ethics
Job responsibilities and duties:
Legal compliance of Company’s operations and its legal interests’ protection
Represent the Company’s interests to government and public organizations, including within the framework of court cases, and participation in its all stages
Analysis and systematization of jurisprudence related to the Company’s activities
Preparations and analysis of case management documents (claims, responses to claims, statements, petitions, writs, act.), development of the instructions for divisions to act within the claim works (necessary actions, required documents)
Keep record of inbox and outbox claims of the Company and to update the register accordingly
Development of draft contracts (additional agreements, acts and acts of disagreement), the analysis of draft contracts provided by contractors. Notarization and / or state registration of certain types of contracts. Control over the agreements’ expiration dates, amending the documentation with the current legislation changes
Keep safe all the contracts and other legal reports and documents that may affect the financial status of the Company. Updating the contract tracking list in 2 (two) languages
Prepare drafts of power of attorney to act on behalf of the Company (including notary), to register it and control over the issuing process, validation period and its storage
Represent the interests of the Company during the inspections conducted by state regulatory authorities, with the aim of legal control over the observance of legal proceedings checks validity and correctness of the findings of inspection, registration inspection results and drafting of procedural documents
Maintain Company’s compliance with all applicable rules of law at the federal level and the level of federal subject. Preparation and filing of applications and other documents for obtaining licenses and permits needed to carry out legitimate activities of the Company, control over safety and timely updating
Monitor the timely updating of all necessary permits and licenses of the Company
Maintain control over the safety of insurance policies and their timely updating
Regularly monitor the current legislation governing the activities of the Company. To inform employees of the Company accordingly.
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Работа в городах России - свежие вакансии (469923) на Kit-Jobs.Ru: Вакансия работодателя • The Ritz-Carlton, Astana - Legal Assistant (Помощник юриста), The Ritz-Carlton, Astana, Астана. Здесь Вы можете ознакомиться с вакансией работодателя бесплатно онлайн.
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