Free Career express explorer Test «Career Guidance»
Career Guidance Test Free | Online counselling for career guidance
Want to know which profession is right for you.
We offer you to take a simple Career test for free online. This exploration test is often used by employers when applying a candidate for a job. It is a shortened version of a longer explorer test «Career Guidance» for University graduates.
This test is often used by employers when applying a candidate for a job.
Take this free Career test when applying for a job right now. Find Your Perfect Career Free.
Career exploration Test (choice of profession)
This Career Personality and Aptitude explorer Free Test (choice of profession) and online counselling for career guidance can give you a better understanding of your job options no matter where you are in life. For students just beginning to think about careers, it may give you some help with choosing majors, internships, and classes. If you are established in your career, this test may help you decide if it is time to start a new career or make some changes in the way you structure your working life.
The result of an online exploration test for choosing a profession should not be taken too literally, but it will help you to see yourself in a new way, look from the outside and look inside yourself and make the right choice for your future profession.
The result of an explorer test to determine the type of future profession is not the final truth and its objectivity, as a rule, depends on your sincerity in choosing answers.
Tegs: Career Career Guidance Free online counselling for career guidance
Updated: 25 March 2025
Career guidance
Determining the type of future profession for a person is the most important stage in life at the time of choosing a profession. Your whole future life depends on the right choice of your future profession.
Career guidance is the guidance given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options, and narrow them down to make one career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional well-being throughout.
Choosing the best career is one of the most important choices we can make in life, and yet for many it is not a properly considered or even moderately researched choice. Currently the average person changes careers 7 times throughout their working life, which strongly indicates that career choice is not being given the consideration that it deserves. Unfortunately the effect of changing careers so frequently is that you lose any ground you have gained through experience and training, and you essentially have to start from the bottom each time.
Encyclopedia of Career: Career guidance
Career guidance what is it?
Career guidance is an all-inclusive program designed to assist individuals (school/college students or professionals) in taking occupational choices decisions based on the demand in the labor market.