Template Standard Resume Form in Microsoft Word Format

On our site you can download standard template a blank form, a sample resume for work in Microsoft Word (Doc) format for free. A resume is a kind of business card that carries information about your education, work experience, professional knowledge and skills, your positive qualities and achievements. A well-written resume is one of the main factors of successful employment, it is with him that the acquaintance of the applicant with the employer begins in absentia.
In the «Exquisite resume» form, the information is structured by sections, you just need to fill in the gaps or replace with your data in the sample.

The sample exquisite resume form presented is a standard, time-tested template. You can safely use it and take it as a basis for creating your own resume.

People's encyclopedia: Resume (CV)
Resume (CV) from eng. «Curriculum vitae» is a short autobiographical document that sets out basic information about professional skills and work experience, education, achievements and personal qualities of a job applicant.